The Third Party then finishes off the winning Brawler and collects both Power Cube batches. Third Parties (like Mortis or Crow) search for two people who are already engaged in combat and wait (preferably in a nearby bush) till one of the two is defeated. Roamers (like Crow, Darryl, etc.) walk around the map searching for potential targets to pick them off one by one.

You can flash your Super as you walk into a bush to trick your enemies into thinking that you’ve gone invisible.If you are carrying a lot of Gems in Gem Grab or have a high bounty in Bounty, use your invisibility to escape, making it hard for the opposition to attack you. If you’re in a bad position, you can use your Super to sneak away from the enemy or even defeat one of them. Leon's Super can be used both offensively and defensively.Using his Super when hiding in bushes can make your escape route increasingly unpredictable: by doing this, enemies have a hard time finding him after firing at the now unoccupied bushes. Leon's Super is ineffective when used near an enemy when they know your path.However, Leon is not effective at eliminating more than one enemy, so he could find himself in a disadvantageous position after eliminating an enemy. His Super allows him to pick off enemies and defeat them one by one, racking up huge amounts of stars for his team.

In Heist, Leon's Super allows him to sneak behind the enemies to attack the enemy safe on the other side of the map.Conversely, you can walk right while attacking to get a wide attack with minor damage for finishing off your enemies. You can walk left while shooting to narrow his attack width and increase his damage. Similar to Bo, Leon's projectiles are fired from left to right, so you can concentrate or spread out by strafing left or right while attacking. If you're stuck at long range, you can use the strafing technique to chip out a moderate amount of the enemy's health.Use obstacles to get as close as possible to enemies and unleash your attack that has the potential to defeat all but heavyweights. Leon can deal a lot of damage if he hits all of his blades in his attack at short-range.Leon's very fast movement speed can be useful good for escaping from enemies, as he’s faster than most other Brawlers since he’s an assassin.If Leon has missing health while using his Super, he regains 1000 health every second for the duration of his Super, for up to a total of 6000 health if he doesn’t cancel his Super with an attack.